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Certificates of Completion
We offer a variety of Certificates of Completion to better prepare you for careers in the environment and sustainability fields.
You will take core courses in the natural and social sciences to gain an understanding of the interrelationships within ecological and social systems, while courses in the arts and humanities let you acquire foundational problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills.
However, your education won’t just take place in the classroom. You’ll also learn through experiences in local and global organizations, internships, clubs, and community involvement that will be crucial parts of your journey at Beloit.
The knowledge and skills that you gain from courses and experiences form the foundation of the Certificates of Completion you can earn through the School of Environment & Sustainability.
Applying for a Certificate for Completion
Once you decide to undertake a Certificate of Completion, or if you’d like more information, please complete the Certificate of Completion application form and contact the School of Environment & Sustainability Director ( to schedule a Certificate of Completion advising meeting.
Offerings and requirements
Students who complete an Analytical Techniques Certificate of Completion will have experience operating and collecting data from a wide variety of materials using analytical instrumentation. This includes an understanding of the theory/physical processes behind the analyses, in addition to learning relevant sample preparation techniques. Students will have the skills and knowledge base that, when combined with the appropriate major, will be competitive for careers in laboratory settings across scientific disciplines and in applying to graduate school.
Both of the following:
- CHEM 117 General Chemistry
- CHEM 220 Environmental, Analytical, and Geochemistry
Two Units from the following:
- BIOL 365 Ecotoxicology OR BIOL 372 Ecology
- CHEM 225 Topics in Instrumental Analysis
- CHEM 230 Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM 370 Advanced Topics - when topic appropriate
- GEOL 200 Mineralogy
- GEOL 230 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- GEOL 251 Advanced Topics - when topic appropriate
- PHYS 210 Modern Physics
- ENGR 220 Applied Electronics
- ENGR 330 Statics
- PHYS 345 Advanced Experimental Physics
One relevant activity from the following:
- Beloit & Beyond Conference Presentation
- Student Symposium Presentation
- McNair Scholars Program or Upward Bound Participation
- BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, GEOL, or PHYS Special Project (0.5-1.0 unit)
- Entrepreneurial initiative at CELEB
- Internship, Summer Research Experience, or similar
- Summarize >4 analytical technique/instrument proficiencies on your resume/CV and have your resume/CV and draft cover letter reviewed by Career Works.
A student may only count one of the courses above for both this and a different Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability. Individual activities cannot count towards meeting the requirements for more than one Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability.
Students who complete an Environmental Advocacy Certificate of Completion will gain skills in developing and communicating about public policy related to environmental protection. Students will have the skills and knowledge base that, when paired with the appropriate major, will be competitive for careers in conservation and environmental activism, policy development, justice, communication, and education.
Four Units from the following:
- ENVS 215/FREN 215 Advanced French Language and Ecocriticism
- ENVS 220/WRIT 220 Writing the Environmental Humanities
- ENVS 224/PHIL 224 Environmental Ethics
- ENVS 225/JOUR 225 Environmental Writing
- ENVS 246/POLS 246 Int. Political Economy of the Environment
- ENVS 255/POLS 255 US Environmental Law & Policy
- ENVS 257/POLS 257 International Politics of Climate Change
- ENVS 259/POLS 259 Environmental Political Theory
- ENVS 260/MDST 350 Media and the Anthropocene
- ENVS 287/SPAN 282 Environmental Hispanic Literature
- ENVS 290/JAPN 240 Japanese Ecocriticism
- ENVS 290 Environmental Psychology
- ENVS 290/EDYS 276: Ecology, Development, and Education
- ENVS 296/JAPN 296 Totoro Saves the World
- ENVS 295/PHIL 240 Philosophy of Nature
- JOUR/MDST 125 Introduction to Journalism
- JOUR/MDST 155 Introduction to Nonfiction Video Production
- JOUR/MDST 225 Magazine Feature Writing
- MDST 105 Public Speaking
- MDST 110 Concepts of Media
- POLS 110 U.S. Federal Government and Politics
- POLS 160 International Politics
- POLS 180 Introduction to Political Thinking
- PSYC 207 Political Psychology of Identity
- PSYC 239 Psychology and Law
One relevant activity from the following:
- Environmental Justice: Sustainability (Coe College Wilderness Field Station)
- Writing Wilderness (Coe College Wilderness Field Station)
- Beloit & Beyond Conference Presentation
- Student Symposium Presentation
- Global Experience Seminar
- McNair Scholars Program or Upward Bound Participation
- ENVS Special Project (0.5-1.0 unit)
- Entrepreneurial initiative at CELEB
- Internship, Summer Research Experience, or similar
- Resume/CV and draft cover letter reviewed by Career Works.
A student may only count one of the courses above for both this and a different Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability. Individual activities cannot count towards meeting the requirements for more than one Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability.
Students who complete an Environmental Humanities Certificate of Completion will gain skills in representing humanities perspectives on a broad range of environmental topics. Students will gain the skills and knowledge base that, when paired with the appropriate major, will be competitive for positions requiring humanistic perspectives on environmental issues, including careers in environmental activism, policy development, justice, communication, education, and other cultural and artistic fields.
Four Units from the following:
- ANTH 275 Global Cities
- ENGL 301 Victorian Garbage
- ENVS 215/FREN 215 Advanced French Language and Ecocriticism
- ENVS 220/WRIT 220 Writing the Environmental Humanities
- ENVS 224/PHIL 224 Environmental Ethics
- ENVS 225/JOUR 225 Environmental Writing
- ENVS 260/MDST 350 Media and the Anthropocene
- ENVS 287/SPAN 282 Environmental Hispanic Literature
- ENVS 290/EDYS 276: Ecology, Development, and Education
- ENVS 290/ENGL 254 Green Romanticism
- ENVS 290/JAPN 240 Japanese Ecocriticism
- ENVS 296/JAPN 296 Totoro Saves the World
- ENVS 295/PHIL 240 Philosophy of Nature
- HIST 150 Cities of Stone
- HIST 150 Mountains
- JAPN 280 Nightmare Japan
- PHIL 232 Philosophy of Art
One relevant activity from the following:
- Writing Wilderness (Coe College Wilderness Field Station)
- Beloit & Beyond Conference Presentation
- Student Symposium Presentation
- Global Experience Seminar
- McNair Scholars Program or Upward Bound Participation
- ENVS Special Project (0.5-1.0 unit)
- Entrepreneurial initiative at CELEB
- Internship, Summer Research Experience, or similar
- Resume/CV and draft cover letter reviewed by Career Works.
A student may only count one of the courses above for both this and a different Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability. Individual activities cannot count towards meeting the requirements for more than one Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability.
Students who complete an Environmental Science Certificate of Completion will have the ability to apply an interdisciplinary scientific approach to environmental issues. This includes the ability to identify and interpret the physical and chemical processes operating in both natural and disturbed settings. Students who complete an Environmental Science Certificate of Completion will have the skills and knowledge base that, when combined with the appropriate major, will be competitive for careers in environmental consulting, remediation, planning, management, and conservation.
One Unit from the following:
- CHEM 117 General Chemistry
- CHEM 220 Environmental, Analytical, and Geochemistry
One Unit from the following:
- BIOL 111 Zoology
- BIOL 121 Botany
- BIOL 152 Aquatic Biology
One Unit from the following:
- GEOL 100 Earth: Exploring a Dynamic Planet
- GEOL 110 Environmental Geology and Geologic Hazards
- GEOL 115/ENVS 115 Environmental Science and Sustainability
One Unit from the following:
- BIOL 365 Ecotoxicology
- BIOL 372 Ecology
- CHEM 250 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- GEOL 200 Mineralogy
- GEOL 230 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- GEOL 245/ENVS 245 Earth’s Climate: Past and Future
- BIOL 275 (1 unit), CHEM 370 (1 unit), OR GEOL 251 (relevant topic)
One relevant activity from the following:
- Beloit & Beyond Conference Presentation
- Student Symposium Presentation
- Global Experience Seminar
- McNair Scholars Program or Upward Bound Participation
- BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, GEOL, or PHYS Special Project (0.5-1.0 unit)
- Entrepreneurial initiative at CELEB
- Internship, Summer Research Experience, or similar
- Resume/CV and draft cover letter reviewed by Career Works.
A student may only count one of the courses above for both this and a different Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability. Individual activities cannot count towards meeting the requirements for more than one Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability.
Students who complete a Sustainability Certificate of Completion will have an interdisciplinary background in sustainability and will have both practiced and reflected upon sustainable principles. This includes the ability to identify and assess current sustainability challenges, and propose solutions that range from local to global scale. Students will gain the skills and knowledge base that, when combined with the appropriate major, will be competitive for careers in sustainability policy, strategy/planning, analysis, management, programming, and sustainable product development and resource use.
Two Units from the following:
- BIOL 365 Ecotoxicology
- BIOL 372 Ecology
- CHEM 117 Chemistry
- GEOL 100 Earth: Exploring a Dynamic Planet
- GEOL 110 Environmental Geology
- GEOL 115 Environmental Science and Sustainability
- GEOL 245/ENVS 245 Earth’s Climate: Past and Future
Two Units from the following:
- ECON 205 Environmental Economics
- ENVS 210/POLS 210 Sustainable Cities
- ENVS 220/WRIT 220 Writing the Environmental Humanities
- ENVS 224/PHIL 224 Environmental Ethics
- ENVS 225/JOUR 225 Environmental Writing
- ENVS 246/POLS 246 Int. Political Economy of the Environment
- ENVS 255/POLS 255 US Environmental Law & Policy
- ENVS 257/POLS 257 International Politics of Climate Change
- ENVS 259/POLS 259 Environmental Political Theory
- ENVS 260/MDST 350 Media and the Anthropocene
- ENVS 290/EDYS 276: Ecology, Development, and Education
- ENVS 290/ENGL 254 Green Romanticism
- ENVS 290/JAPN 240 Japanese Ecocriticism
- ENVS 290/HIST 150 Mountains
- ENVS 295/PHIL 240 Philosophy of Nature
- ENVS 296/JAPN 296 Totoro Saves the World
- SOCI 271 Sociology of the Environment
One relevant activity from the following:
- Environmental Justice: Sustainability (Coe College Wilderness Field Station)
- Writing Wilderness (Coe College Wilderness Field Station)
- Beloit & Beyond Conference Presentation
- Student Symposium Presentation
- Global Experience Seminar
- McNair Scholars Program or Upward Bound Participation
- BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, or GEOL Special Project (0.5-1.0 unit)
- LEED or HAZWOP training
- Entrepreneurial initiative at CELEB
- Internship, Summer Research Experience, or similar
- Resume/CV and draft cover letter reviewed by Career Works.
A student may only count one of the courses above for both this and a different Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability. Individual activities cannot count towards meeting the requirements for more than one Certificate of Completion from the School of Environment & Sustainability.